Asset Accounting
Some of the system settings in the FI-AA system are subject to different laws and guidelines in different countries. SAP provides these settings, for the most part, already preconfigured. The system uses the country-specific data in each company code that agrees with the country in the definition of the FI Company Code.
However, SAP cannot take responsibility for their completeness.
Standard settings SAP provides the appropriate default settings for most countries
SAP does not guarantee the completeness of the Country-specific data (caveat example: The maximum amount for low value assets is different in each country)
You need to check the standard defaults to see if it is provided for your country
All country-specific system settings are dependent on the company code
You must have defined your company codes in Customizing for the FI system, and assigned countries to them
Check Country-Specific Settings
You can check the Country-Specific Settings in the transaction code "OA08".
The system assigns the settings you make in this step to the company code (one time only) as soon as you initially assign a chart of depreciation to the company code. If you want to change these settings at a later point in time, you have to use other steps in the Implementation Guide. You can change the changeover amount for depreciation calculation under "Valuation", and other settings under
Seq | Transaction | Name | Module | Reference | SAP Path | Comments |
001 | ORFA | Asset Accounting Customizing | FI-AA | Asset Accounting Customizing | ||
002 | OA08 | Check Country-Specific Settings | FI-AA | Check Country-Specific Settings | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Check Country-Specific Settings | |
003 | EC08 | Org. Copy Program: Valuation Plan | FI-AA | Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas | |
004 | AO55 | Chart of Depreciation: Specify Name | FI-AA | Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas | |
005 | OADB | Define Depreciation Areas | FI-AA | Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas | |
006 | OAB1 | Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code | FI-AA | Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code | |
007 | AO11 | Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes | FI-AA | Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes | |
008 | SM30 (V_T095A_01) | Specify Account Determination | FI-AA | Specify Account Determination | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Asset Classes -> Specify Account Determination | |
009 | SM30 (V_T082A_01) | Create Screen Layout Rules | FI-AA | Create Screen Layout Rules | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Asset Classes -> Create Screen Layout Rules | |
010 | AS08 | Define Number Range Interval | FI-AA | Define Number Range Interval | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Asset Classes -> Define Number Range Interval | |
011 | AOAO | Define Asset Classes | FI-AA | Define Asset Classes | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Asset Classes -> Define Asset Classes | |
012 | ANK1 | Specify Chart Of Dep. Dependent Screen Layout/Acct Assignment | FI-AA | Specify Chart-of-Dep.-Dependent Screen Layout/Acct Assignment | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Organizational Structure -> Asset Classes -> Specify Chart-of-Dep.-Dependent Screen Layout/Acct Assignment | |
013 | SM30 (V_T093_00N) | Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger | FI-AA | Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger | IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting ->Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger |
Migration from Classic to New Asset Accounting
Prepare New Asset Accounting
The following activities are relevant for you if you have been using classic Asset Accounting up to now and you now want to migrate to new Asset Accounting.
These and the following activities support you in migrating Customizing data; once you have completed these activities, you can activate new Asset Accounting. Migrating transaction data is not possible until after that; however, the migration of transaction data is not a part of these IMG activities. The documents from Asset Accounting are migrated as part of the migration of documents from the general ledger. You must then build the depreciation values of your fixed assets as initial.
Overview of Steps
To be able to use new Asset Accounting, you have to follow the steps below (among others).
The steps differ depending on whether you are in the Customizing system or in Test system/Production system.
Steps in the Customizing system:
1. Create prerequisites for the use of new Asset Accounting
2. Install SAP S/4HANA with new Asset Accounting
3. Follow the relevant steps for migrating to new General Ledger Accounting
4. Migrate the charts of depreciation for new Asset Accounting. Current activity and following activity; see the "Activities" section below.
5. Make additional manual settings in Customizing for new Asset Accounting (Customizing activity Perform Additional Manual Activities)
6. Check the prerequisites for activating new Asset Accounting (Customizing activity Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting New)
7. Activate the Customizing switch Customizing activity Activate New Asset Accounting
Steps in the Test system and Production system (Downstream system):
8. Create prerequisites for the use of new Asset Accounting
9. Lock the test system and production system to posting
10. Install SAP S/4HANA with new Asset Accounting
11. Follow the relevant steps for migrating to new General Ledger Accounting
12. Create necessary master data (See step 5 for the Customizing system)
13. Import the new Customizing settings into your production system
14. Check in the production system whether the transport successfully imported the activated Customizing switch
15. Unlock the production system for postings
When you install SAP S/4HANA, the system shows the new IMG structure Asset Accounting in the SAP Reference IMG, which also contains this activity. At the same time, the system hides the IMG structure for classic Asset Accounting
Immediately after you have installed SAP S/4HANA (step 2 in the Customizing system or step 10 in the test and production system), posting is no longer possible in Asset Accounting - neither using the old logic nor the new logic. You cannot post using the new logic until after the migration of your Customizing data and transaction data (documents)
After you have performed the migration and activated new Asset Accounting, it is not possible to return to using classic Asset Accounting. Classic Asset Accounting does not exist in SAP S/4HANA
Steps 1 and 8: Create prerequisites for the use of new Asset Accounting
(Number sequence for the steps: See above.)
Before you install SAP S/4HANA, you have to ensure that the
prerequisites are met. You can do so using the program for preliminary
checks RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK. You import this program to your system by
means of SAP Note 1939592 before you install SAP S/4HANA. Perform this
check in all of your systems - in the Customizing system as well as in
the test system and production system.
Prerequisites for the use of new Asset Accounting
Non-Compatible Components
If you migrate to SAP S/4HANA and want to use new Asset Accounting, you
are not allowed to use any of the following components:
o From the Financials Extension (EA-FIN):
Lease Accounting Engine (LAE)
The LAE controls postings for the lessor scenario; this scenario
consists of the components CRM Leasing (CRM-LAM) and Leasing
Accounting (FI-LA).
o Real Estate (RE), that is, classic Real Estate Management
o From Funds Management (PSM-FM) or Industry-Specific Component Public
Sector (IS-PS):
Requests with Reference to Asset
Detailed Prerequisites
o You have activated the Financials Extension (EA-FIN) business
function, since you need the new depreciation calculation with the
Depreciation Calculation Program (DCP) from EA-FIN. Either you
Depreciation Calculation Program (DCP) from EA-FIN. Either you
already activated EA-FIN in any case at an earlier point in time, or
you activate EA-FIN manually in your systems as part of a project,
before you install SAP S/4HANA.
o To map parallel accounting, you use either the ledger approach in
new General Ledger Accounting or the accounts approach in classic
General Ledger Accounting.
o The following applies for Asset Accounting:
- You have configured the classic Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
application component.
- Or: If you have not previously used classic Asset Accounting,
you need to make all of the necessary Customizing settings for
new Asset Accounting.
o Check whether you can completely archive documents from deactivated
company codes (this means company codes that only allow subsequent
If you do not archive the documents of the company code, you must do
the following:
- You must migrate the assigned chart of depreciation; and
- You must migrate the documents with the document migration.
o The parallel currencies in the leading ledger in General Ledger
Accounting and in the depreciation areas of the leading valuation in
Asset Accounting must be the same.
For the ledger approach, you also have to take the following into
account: Company codes that are assigned to the same chart of
depreciation are not allowed to be different in number and type to
the parallel currencies used in General Ledger Accounting. This
means, the parallel valuations of the non-leading ledger and the
depreciation areas of the parallel valuation in Asset Accounting
have to be congruent.
If you have previously been using parallel currencies in General
Ledger Accounting, but you have not implemented the corresponding
parallel currency areas in Asset Accounting for all depreciation
areas, you must first implement these depreciation areas before you
install SAP S/4HANA. Contact your consultant.
o Note that company codes that are assigned to the same chart of
depreciation are not allowed to be different in number and type to
the parallel currencies used in General Ledger Accounting.
If, up to now, you were using classic Asset Accounting with classic
General Ledger Accounting or classic Asset Accounting with new General
Ledger Accounting, you have to make the following preparations:
o Make sure that period-end closing was performed (the following
programs (among others): RAPOST2000, RAPERB2000, reconciliation of
the asset subsidiary ledger with the general ledger (account balance
list and asset list, RAABST01, RAABST02).
If you install SAP S/4HANA at the close of the fiscal year, you
should also perform year-end closing. The year-end closing must be
executed across components (so, for Asset Accounting and General
Ledger Accounting), whereby the year-end closing in the components
must be synchronized (so affecting the same fiscal year).
The migration must definitely take place at a time when only one
fiscal year is open in Asset Accounting.
Note: If you have already performed a balance carryforward to future
years for Asset Accounting, a migration is not possible. If this is
the case, contact SAP.
o Lock the users to ensure that no additional postings are made.
o Make sure that the periodic asset postings (with program RAPERB2000)
are completed.
o Also ensure that there are no update terminations from direct
postings in the system.
You can no longer post once you have installed SAP S/4HANA. Posting is
only possible again after you have completed the migration fully and
successfully. For the installation and the migration to be successful,
it is mandatory that you ensure the completeness of the postings for the
period-end closing before the installation.
When to install SAP S/4HANA with new Asset Accounting.
From the point of view of Asset Accounting, you can install SAP S/4HANA
at any time; however, it is a requirement that a period-end closing must
have been completed.
You need to have fully completed all periodic and current posting
processes that involve Asset Accounting. You must not make any postings
during the changeover.
You are only allowed to perform the next steps once you have made sure
that your system meets the prerequisites for installing SAP S/4HANA by
using the program mentioned above for preliminary checks,
Steps 2 and 10: Install SAP S/4HANA with new Asset Accounting.
You start the installation of SAP S/4HANA. Starting from this point in
time, it is no longer possible to post in Asset Accounting.
If you were already using classic Asset Accounting, then you only have
to migrate your charts of depreciation, and check and possibly add to
delta Customizing.
If you were not already using Asset Accounting and now want to use it in
the future, you have to completely configure your system for Asset
Accounting. The following does not explain the individual steps
necessary for this configuration. In the case of a complete
configuration, you have to perform step 7 after the configuration is
complete, and activate the Customizing switch (Activate New Asset
Accounting activity).
Steps 3 and 11: Follow the relevant steps for migrating to new General
Ledger Accounting
SAP S/4HANA is based on new General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL). If you
want to use SAP S/4HANA, but were still using classic General Ledger
Accounting until now, the data for General Ledger Accounting is migrated
during the migration.
Step 4: Migrate the charts of depreciation for new Asset Accounting.
This step is necessary if you have been using classic Asset Accounting.
You can either migrate the charts of depreciation automatically using
the migration program, or manually.
I. Check/create accounting principles
Check if there are accounting principles in the system for your leading
and parallel valuations. If not, then create them.
You check and change Customizing for accounting principles in
Customizing under Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global
Settings -> Ledgers -> Parallel Accounting -> Define Accounting
II. Check ledgers and ledger groups
The following applies to the ledger approach: One ledger with a ledger
group has to exist in the system for each valuation, so for the leading
valuation and the parallel valuation. This is normally ledger 0L for the
leading ledger with ledger group 0L.
The following applies for the accounts approach: The leading ledger with
the ledger group has to have been created in the system. This represents
your leading valuation. For each parallel valuation, you have to create
a (new) ledger group that also contains the leading ledger as a
representative ledger.
The leading ledger 0L with ledger group 0L is usually created by default
in the system.
Check if the necessary ledgers and ledger groups have been created in
the system.
You change Customizing for ledgers in Customizing under Financial
Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Ledgers -> Define
Ledgers for General Ledger Accounting.
You change Customizing for ledger groups in Customizing under Financial
Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Ledgers -> Define
Ledger Group.
For the accounts approach, you can also have the option of having the
system generate the ledger group for parallel valuation. Start the
migration program (see below). The migration cannot completely take
place due to the missing ledger group for parallel valuation and the
missing assignment of this ledger group to an accounting principle.
However, the system generates a ledger group for each valuation. Its
name is made up of <& number of the leading depreciation area of the
parallel valuation &>.
Adjust the name of the generated ledger group, if necessary. Run the
migration program again later. (See the "Migrate Charts of Accounts"
section below.)
III. Assign accounting principles to ledger groups
You change the assignment in Customizing under Financial Accounting ->
Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Ledgers -> ->Parallel Accounting
-> Assign Accounting Principle to Ledger Groups.
Assign the accounting principle to the ledger group for each valuation
that is represented by a depreciation area in your chart of
IV. Check assignment of accounting principle for ledger/company code.
Check the assignment of the accounting principle for the combination of
ledger and company code in Customizing under Define Settings for Ledger
and Currency Types.
V. Migrate Charts of Accounts
You migrate your active charts of depreciation in Customizing for Asset
Accounting under Migrate Charts of Depreciation.
Other Activities
Before you can actually use new Asset Accounting, you have to perform
the following steps from the sequence of steps listed above.
In your Customizing system, these are the following steps:
o Step 5: Make additional manual settings in Customizing for new Asset Accounting. See Perform Additional Manual Activities.
o Step 6: Check the prerequisites for activating new Asset Accounting and
o Step 7: Activate new Asset Accounting
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