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Period End Closing Activities
Seq | Transaction | Description | Module | Process Category | Frequency | Reference Business Process | SAP Path |
001 | S_BCE_68000174 | Update Exchange Rates | FI | Central activities | Daily / Monthly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Environment -> Current Settings -> S_BCE_68000174 - Enter Translation Rates |
002 | VL10C | Reviewing Sales Orders Due for Delivery | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Montly | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Logistics Execution -> Outbound Process -> Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery -> Outbound Delivery -> Create -> Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery -> Sales Order Items |
003 | V_UC | Reviewing Incomplete SD Documents (Deliveries) | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution ->Shipping and transportation -> Outbound Delivery -> Lists and Logs -> Incomplete Outbound Deliveries |
004 | VKM1 | Reviewing Blocked Sales Orders | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Credit Management -> Exceptions -> VKM1 – Blocked SD Documents |
005 | V_SA | Reviewing Log of Collective Delivery Creation | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution ->Shipping and transportation -> Outbound Delivery -> Lists and Logs -> V_SA - Collective Processing Log |
006 | V23 | Review Sales Documents blocked for billing | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Information System -> Worklists -> Sales Documents Blocked For Billing |
007 | VF04 | Review Billing Due List | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily / Monthly | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Billing Document -> Billing -> Billing Document -> VF04 - Process Billing Due List |
008 | V.21 | Reviewing Log of Collective Invoice Creation | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Billing Documents -> Log of Collective Run |
009 | VFX3 | Reviewing List Blocked (for Accounting) Billing Documents | SD | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily / Monthly | Closing Operations SD | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Billing Document -> Billing -> Billing Document -> VFX3 - Blocked Billing Docs |
010 | COGI | Ensuring Goods Movement are Complete | PP | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production - Process -> Process Order -> Environment -> Material Movement -> COGI - Failed Goods Movements |
011 | CO16N | Ensuring Production Transactions are Complete | PP | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Maintenance Processing -> Capacity Requirements Planning -> Leveling -> General -> Requirements -> Confirmation -> Reprocessing -> CO16N - Confirmations |
012 | S_ALR_87012342 | Gaps in Document Number Assignment | FI | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily / Monthly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Information System -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Document -> General -> S_ALR_87012342 - Gaps in Document Number Assignment |
013 | S_ALR_87012341 | Invoice Numbers Allocated Twice | FI | Check Invoices (vendors, customers) | Daily / Monthly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Information System -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Document -> General -> S_ALR_87012341 - Invoice Numbers Allocated Twice |
014 | MMPV | Open Period for Material Master Records | MM | Period Change | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production Process -> Process Order -> Environment -> Master Data -> Material Master -> Other -> MMPV |
015 | OB52 | Open and Close Posting Periods | FI | Period Change | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Environment -> Current Settings -> S_ALR_87003642 - Open and Close Posting Periods |
016 | CO43 | Actual Overheads Calculaton Prod. Order | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production -> Shop Floor Control -> Period-End Closing -> Overhead Calculation -> CO43 - Collective Processing |
017 | CO8A | Preliminary settlement for co-product | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production -> Shop Floor Control -> Period-End Processing -> Preliminary Settlement for Co-Products, Rework -> Collective Processing (CO8A) |
018 | KKAO | WIP Calculation PP Order | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production -> Shop Floor Control -> Period-End Closing -> Work in Process -> Collective Processing -> KKAO - Determine Posting Periods |
019 | KKAQ | Display work in process | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production -> Shop Floor Control -> Period-End Closing -> Work in Process -> Collective Processing -> KKAQ - Display |
020 | KKS1 | Prod. and Process Order Variance Calculation | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production -> Shop Floor Control -> Period-End Closing -> Variances -> KKS1 - Collective Processing |
021 | KKS5 | Product Cost Collector Variance Calculation | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production ->Repetitive Manufacturing -> Environment -> Period-end Closing for Prod.Cost Collector -> Variances -> KKS5 - Collective Processing |
022 | CO88 | Settling Variances | CO | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production -> Shop Floor Control -> Period-End Closing -> Settlement -> CO88 - Collective Processing |
023 | CO02 | Closing Completed Production Orders | PP | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Maintenance Processing -> Capacity Requirements Planning -> Leveling -> General -> Requirements -> Production Order -> Order -> CO02 - Change |
024 | COOIS | Production Order Information System | PP | Production orders | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Logistics -> Production - Process -> Process Order -> Reporting -> Order Information System -> COOISPI - Process Order Information System |
025 | FBD1 | Enter Recurring Document | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Posting -> Reference Documents -> FBD1 - Recurring Document |
026 | F.14 | Post Recurring Document | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Recurring Entries ->F.14 - Execute |
027 | SM35 | Post Recurring Document with BI | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Recurring Entries ->F.14 - Execute |
028 | F.13 | Automatic GR/IR Clearing | MM | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Automatic Clearing -> F.13 - Without Specification of Clearing Currency |
029 | F.19 | Analyse GR/IR Clearing Accounts | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Reclassify -> F.19 - GR/IR Clearing |
030 | F.13 | Automatic GR/IR Clearing | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Automatic Clearing -> F.13 - Without Specification of Clearing Currency |
031 | F-03 | Account Maintenance: Manual Clearing | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Account -> F-03 Clear |
032 | F-32 | Automatic Clearing of Open Items in Customer Accounts | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivalbe -> Account -> F-32 Clear |
033 | F-44 | Manual Clearing | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Account -> F-44 Clear |
034 | FB50 | Post Adjustment Entries | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Posting -> FB50 - Enter G/L Account Document |
035 | FAGL_FC_VAL | Foreign Currency Revaluation | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Valuate -> FAGL_FC_VAL - Foreign Currency Valuation (New) Periods |
036 | KB61 | Reposting of unassigned Functional area | FI | FI Closing with CO Postings | Montly | Cost of Sales Accounting | Cost Accounting -> Actual Postings -> Enter Reposting of CO Line Items |
037 | AIAB | Maintaining settlement rules for Assets under Construction | FI-AA | Asset Management | Montly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Posting -> Capitalize Asset u. Const. -> AIAB - Distribute |
038 | AFAB | Depreciation Posting Run | FI-AA | Asset Management | Montly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> Depreciation Run -> AFAB - Execute |
039 | ASKBN | Periodic Postings (APC Values Posting) | FI-AA | Asset Management | Montly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> ASKB - APC Values Posting |
040 | S_ALR_87012936 | Depreciation Simulation | FI-AA | Asset Management | Montly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Information System -> Depreciation forecast -> S_ALR_87012936 - Depreciation on Capitalized Assets (Depreciation Simulation) |
041 | OB52 | Open and Close FI Period Asset | FI-AA | Asset Management | Montly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Environment -> Current Settings -> S_ALR_87003642 - Open and Close Posting Periods |
042 | KB31N | Recording of statistical key figures | CO | Overhead Cost Controlling | Montly | Overhead Cost Accounting - Actual | Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Actual Postings -> Statistical Key Figures -> Enter |
043 | KSU5 | Assessment of Shared Expenses | CO | Overhead Cost Controlling | Montly | Overhead Cost Accounting - Actual | Accounting -> Controlling -> Period-End Closing -> Single Functions -> Allocations -> KSU5 - Assessment |
044 | KSU5 | Running Assessment Cycle for Quality Costs | CO | Overhead Cost Controlling | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Accounting -> Controlling -> Period-End Closing -> Single Functions -> Allocations -> KSU5 - Assessment |
045 | KSA3 | Accrual Calculation | CO | Overhead Cost Controlling | Montly | Overhead Cost Accounting - Actual | Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Element Accounting -> Period-End Closing -> Single Functions -> KSA3 - Accrual Calculation |
046 | KO8G | Executing Settlement R&D Internal Order | CO | Overhead Cost Controlling | Montly | R&D internal orders Actual | Accounting -> Controlling -> Internal Orders -> Period-End Closing -> Single Functions -> Settlement -> KO8G - Collective Processing |
047 | KEU5 | Performing Actual Assessment to CO-PA | CO | Overhead Cost Controlling | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Accounting -> Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Actual Postings -> Period-End Closing -> Transfer Cost Center Costs/Process Costs -> KEU5 - Assessment |
048 | MRN0 | Determination of Lowest Value for Raw Materials and Trading Goods on the Basis of Market Prices | FI/CO/MM | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Warehouse Management -> Balance Sheet Valuation -> Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices |
049 | KP98 | Copying Inventory to Controlling Version | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Overhead Cost Controlling -> Planning: Cost Centers -> Copy Actual to Plan |
050 | S_ALR_87099918 | Posting Book Depreciation | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Planning -> Planning Aids -> Transfers -> Depreciation/Interest FI-AA |
051 | KP90 | Revaluation: Set Old Posted Values Depreciation to Zero | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Overhead Cost Controlling -> Planning: Cost Centers -> Planned Costs |
052 | KP26 | Activity price planning (Version3) | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Overhead Cost Controlling -> Planning: Cost Centers -> Change Activity Type/Price Planning |
053 | KSPI | Acticity price planning tarif (version 3) | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Planning -> Allocations -> Price Calculation |
054 | CK11N | Inventory costing | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Accounting -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Product Cost Planning -> Material Costing -> Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure -> Create |
055 | CK24 | Price Update | CO | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Accounting -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Product Cost Planning -> Material Costing -> Price Update |
056 | FB50 | Stock value adjustment | FI | Inventory valuation | Yearly | Inventory Valuation for Year End Closing | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Document Entry -> Enter G/L Account Document |
057 | OKP1 | Period Lock | CO | Period Change | Montly | Overhead Cost Accounting - Actual | Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Element Accounting -> Environment -> Period Lock -> OKP1 - Change |
058 | ENGR | Create Intrastat / Extrastat periodic declaration | SD | SD-Reporting | Montly | Foreign Trade Export Processing | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Foreign Trade/Customs -> Periodic Declarations -> Cockpit -> Periodic Declarations |
059 | S_ALR_87012357 | Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting -> Tax Reports -> General -> Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases -> S_ALR_87012357 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases |
060 | FB41 | Post Tax Payable | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Report -> Post Tax Payable |
061 | S_ALR_87012400 | EC Sales List | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting -> EC Sales List -> General -> EC Sales List |
062 | S_ALR_87012405 | Foreign Trade Regulation Reports Z4 | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting -> German Foreign Trade Regulations -> Germany -> Foreign Trade Regulation Reports Z4 |
063 | S_ALR_87012162 | Foreign Trade Regulation Reports Z5A | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Reporting -> Germany -> German Foreign Trade Regulations Report Z5A |
064 | FAGLF03 | Comparative Analysis | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing à Check/Count -> Reconciliation (New) |
065 | F.52 | Balance Interest Calculaton | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Interest Calculation -> F.52 - Balance Interest Calculation |
066 | S_ALR_87012289 | Compact Document Journal | FI | FI-Reporting | Daily / Monthly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Information System -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Document -> General -> S_ALR_87012289 - Compact Document Journal |
067 | S_ALR_87012287 | Document Journal | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Information System -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Document -> General -> S_ALR_87012287 - Document Journal |
068 | FF7A | Cash Position & Liquidity Forecast | FI | FI-Reporting | Daily / Monthly | Cash Management | Accounting -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Cash and Liquidity Management -> Cash Management -> Information System -> Reports for Cash management -> Liquidity Analisys -> FF7A - Cash Position |
069 | OB52 | Open and Close Posting Periods | FI | Period Change | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Environment -> Current Settings ->Open and Close Posting Periods |
070 | KE30 | Runing Profitability Report | CO | CO-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Profitability Analysis -> Reporting -> Execute Profitability Report |
071 | S_ALR_87012284 | Financial Statements | FI | FI-Reporting | Montly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Report -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Financial Statement / Cash Flow -> General -> Actual/Actual Comparisons -> S_ALR_87012284 - Financial Statement |
072 | SCAL | Create Factory Calendar for New Year | Cross | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Others -> Billing Schedule |
073 | S_ALR_87005830 | Controlling Maintain Versions | CO | Year Change | Yearly | Overhead Cost Accounting - Actual | Customizing: SAP NetWeaver -> General Settings -> Maintain Calendar |
074 | CK40N | Costing Run | CO | Year Change | Yearly | Standard Cost Calculation | Accounting -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Product Cost Planning -> Material Costing -> Costing Run -> Edit Costing Run |
075 | S_ALR_87008275 | Actual Overheads Calculation Production Order | CO | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing "general" (Plant) | Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Actual Postings -> Period End Closing -> Overhead -> Costing Sheet components -> Define Percentage Overhead Rates |
076 | AFAR | Recalculating Values | FI-AA | Year Change | Yearly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Environment -> AFAR - Recalculate Values |
077 | ABST2 | Account Reconciliation | FI-AA | Year Change | Yearly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> Year-End Closing -> ABST2 - Account Reconciliation |
078 | AJRW | Fiscal Year Change | FI-AA | Year Change | Yearly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> AJRW - Fiscal Year Change |
079 | AJAB | Year-End Closing | FI-AA | Year Change | Yearly | Asset Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> Year-End Closing -> AJAB - Execute |
080 | F.07 | Carry Forward AP/AR Balances | FI | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Carry Forward -> F.07 - Balance Carryforward |
081 | FAGLGVTR | Carry Forward GL Balances | FI | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Carry Forward -> FAGLGVTR - Balance Carryforward (New) |
082 | FAGLF101 | Regrouping Receivables/Payables | FI | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Reclassify -> Sorting / Reclassify (New) |
083 | F.17 | Balance Confirmation Receivable | FI | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable -> Periodic Processing -> Print Correspondence -> Balance Confirmations -> F.17 - Print Letters |
084 | F.18 | Balance Confirmation Payable | FI | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> Periodic Processing -> Print Correspondence -> Balance Confirmations -> F.18 - Print Letters |
085 | OB52 | Close previous account period | FI | Year Change | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Environment -> Current Settings -> S_ALR_87003642 - Open and Close Posting Periods |
086 | S_ALR_87012284 | Financial Statements | FI | FI-Reporting | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Closing -> Report -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Financial Statement / Cash Flow -> General -> Actual/Actual Comparisons -> S_ALR_87012284 - Financial Statement |
087 | S_ALR_87012287 | Document Journal | FI | FI-Reporting | Yearly | Period End Closing Financial Accounting | Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Information System -> General Ledger Reports (New) -> Document -> General -> S_ALR_87012287 - Document Journal |
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