SAP Transaction Codes, Menus, Programs and Functions
SAP Transaction Codes | Consultants
Relevant for SAP Consultants
Transactions | Names | Area | Use | Explanation |
/n/uia/flp | SAP Fiori Launchpad | All | You can use launch the Fiori Launchpad web version, or to launch and see the HTTP path for Fiori Launchpad. | Enter the transaction code with the "/n", and the browser will be launched automatically. |
3KEH | EC-PCA: Default Profit Center | CO | For EC-PCA. For New GL is "FAGL3KEH" | |
ACSET | Account Assignment Objects for Assets | FI-AA | Check the Account Assignment Fields for Assets | |
ARAL | Analyze Application Log | FI-AA | Analyze Log for Asset Depreciation | |
CG3Y | Download file | Basis | Download files direct from SAP Server | |
CG3Z | Upload file | Basis | Upload files direct to SAP Server | |
CKM9 | Display of ML-Relevant Custmizing Settings | CO-ML | ||
EWCT | Currency Test Converter | FI | You can use it to check the exchange rate convertion. | Inform the parameters: currencies, date, exchange rate type, and the amount to see the convertion. |
EWK1 | Cust. Development: Curr. In Report Txt | ABAP | It can be used to check where a specific set is used | |
F.80 | Mass Reversal of Documents | FI | You can use to reverse noted items posted from F110 in accounts receivables process for some countries, like Brazil | |
FAGL3KEH | General Ledger: Default Profit Center | CO | For New GL. For the EC-PCA is "3KEH" | |
FAGLACC_CHECK | Check Inconsistency for GL Account Master in Company Code | FI | ||
FAGL_CHECK_ACCOUNT | Check GL Accounts for Doc. Splitting | FI | Derivation and Check of Assignment of GL Account to Item Category | |
FAGL_CHECK_DOC_SPLIT | Check Document Splitting | FI | Check on Document Splitting Regarding Current Customizing Settings | |
FIBF | Maintenance Transaction BTE | ABAP | Implement BTEs | |
FILE | Logical Fiel Path Definition | Basis | You can use it to check the logical file path available in the SAP Instance (it is a cross-client transaction) | Cross-Client File Names/Paths |
GCX2 | Client-dependent User Exits | ABAP | You can check some user exists like the valid./subst. rules user exits | |
GGB0 | Validation Rules Maintenance | FI | ||
GGB1 | Substitution Rules Maintenance | FI | ||
GGB4 | Analysis Tool for Valid./Subst. | FI | ||
GS01 | Create Sets | All | Maintain sets | GS01 / GS02Â / GS03 / GS04 / GS07 / GS08 / GS09 | Create, Change, Display Delete, Export, Importe and Copy Sets from Clients |
KANK | Range Maintenance: CO Document | CO | CO Object, Object RK_BELEG | |
KE4I | CO-PA: Assignment of SD Conditions to Value Fields | CO-PA | Only for Costing-Based | |
KEAT | Value Flow SD -> FI / CO-PA | CO-PA | Reconcile CO-PA <-> SD <-> FI | |
OAMK | Change Reconciliation Accounts | FI | ||
OAW3 | Translation Methods in Assent Accounting | FI-AA | It can be used to create a method to convert currencies/exchange rates for asset value | |
OB28 | Validation Rule: Activation | FI | ||
OB74 | Additional Rules for Automatic Clearing | FI | ||
OBB9 | Payment Terms: Installments | FI | Setup the installments and percentage | Terms of Payment for Holdback/Retainage |
OBBH | Substitution Rule: Activation | FI | ||
OBY9 | Transport Chart of Accounts | FI | ||
OKB9 | Default Account Assignment | CO | ||
OKP1 | Change Period Lock | FICO | Change Period Lock | Actual and Plan | |
OLMR | IMG Invoice Verification | MM | It is the Invoice Verification Customizing IMG and it can be used to go direct to the MM SPRO | |
OMR4 | Doc Type / Number Range: Invoice Receipt | FI/MM | ||
OMSY | Period MM View on Company Code | MM | Check MM Periods on Company Codes | |
ORFA | IMG Asset Accounting Customizing | FI-AA | It is the Asset Accounting Customizing IMG and it can be used to go direct to the AA SPRO | |
PFCG | Role Maintenance | Basis | ||
SAT | ABAP Trance - Runtime Analysis | ABAP | You can use it to analyze transactions or ABAP programs | (deprecated tcode SE30) |
SCC1 | Client Copy | Basis | You can use to pull transport requests between clients in the same environments | |
SCC3 | Client Copy Log | Basis | ||
SCC4 | Cient Administration | Basis | Check the list of clients in an environment, and make some changes, such as opening and closing the client. | |
SCC5 | Delete Client | Basis | ||
SCC7 | Client Import | Basis | ||
SCC8 | Client Export | Basis | ||
SCU3 | Table History | Basis | Check the Change Lods | Analyze Changed Customizing Objects and Tables - Look for a table and execute to see the change logs |
SE03 | Transport Organizer Tool | Basis | You can use to check objects inside transport requests | |
SE16H | General Table Display | ABAP | You can check tables | Old transactions SE16 and SE16N |
SE24 | ABAP Class Builder | ABAP | Check BadIs | |
SE30 | ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis | ABAP | Check programs processing | |
SE39 | Split Screen Editor | Basis | Compare programs, function and table between environments | |
SE93 | Maintain Transaction Codes | ABAP | You can use to find any transaction code, using part of the transaction or part of the transaction short description. | Enter part of the transaction code, or press F4 (match code) and informe part of the transaction description. |
SEARCH_SAP_MENU | Find in SAP Menu | All | You can use to find a transaction in the SAP Menu. Only if the transaction is available in the SAP Menu on the initial screen. | Enter the transaction code or menu text, to search the location in the SAP Menu. |
SM04 | Logons to an AS Instance | Basis | You can find all users logged in the SAP Instance | In the transaction you will see the list of users per client, application (t-codes) that they are using, the sessions (RFC, GUI, HTTP, Background) and memory that they are consuming. (Depending of the profile, it is also possible log off a user) |
SM30 | Edit Table Views | ABAP | Check tables views | |
SM35 | Batch Input Monitoring | Basis | You can use it to execute and check the batch inputs | |
SM50 | Work Processes of AS Instance | Basis | You can find all the processes running in the SAP Instance | In the transaction you will see the list processes, with running time, priority in the queue, program in execution, user that is executing and others |
SM59 | RFC Destinations (Display/Edit) | Basis | You can check the RFC (Remote Function Call) created | |
SMOD | SAP Enhancement Management | ABAP | Implement developed enhancements | |
SNRO | Number Range Object Editing | FI | Transaction: SNRO or SNUM | |
SOBJ | View Cluster Editing | Basis | In Transaction SOBJ, set the 'Current settings' indicator for views V_TKA3, V_TKA3A and V_TKA3C | You can open OKB9 in environments, so you don't need to send transport requestions |
SQVI | QuickViewer | ABAP | Create Table Joins | |
ST05 | Performance Trace | Basis | You can use to have a performance analysis of buffer tables, RFC and more | You can activate the trace, user the application, check the log and them deactivate the trace |
STMS | Transport Management System | All | To transport requests between environments | |
STVARV | Selection Variable Maintenance | ABAP | You can create variables in the TVARV table | |
SU1 | User Maintenance | Basis | You can use to create, maintain and check SAP Users | |
SU21 | Maintain Authorization Objects | Basis | Profile Authorization | You can see all Authorization Objects. Like the Object "F_BKPF_BUP" for OB52, 3 period. |
SU24 | Maintain Authorization Default Values | Basis | Profile Authorization | You can check the Authorization Objects per Transaction Code |
SU3 | Maintain User Own Data | All | You can use to maintain some information in your own SAP User |
SAP Transaction Codes | Key Users
Relevant for SAP Key Users
Transactions | Names | Area | Use | Explanation |
AW01N | Asset Explorer | FI-AA | ||
CKM3N | Material Price Analysis | CO-ML | Old transaction: CKM3 | |
CKMACD | Value Flow Display for Activity Type | CO-ML | ||
CKMH | Single-Level Material Price Determination | CO-ML | ||
CKMLCP | Costing Cockpit: Actual Costing (Material Ledger) | CO-ML | ||
CKMVFM | Value Flow Monitor | CO-ML | ||
COGI | Postprocessing of Error Record for Automatic Goods Movement | PP | Postprocess Faulty Goods Movement | |
F.97 | General Ledger: Report Selection | FI | Localized Reports - General Ledger - Several Countries | Deprecated | Application Tree Report Selection General Ledger |
F.98 | Vendors: Report Selection | FI | BR | Localized Reports - Vendors - Several Countries | Deprecated | Application Tree Report Selection Vendors |
F.99 | Customers: Report Selection | FI | BR | Localized Reports - Customers - Several Countries | Deprecated | Application Tree Report Selection Customers |
F103 | Transfer Posting for Doubtful Receivables | FI | ||
F104 | Transfer for Doubtful Receivables | FI | ||
FAGL_FCV | Foreign Currency Valuation | FI | ||
KE24 | Display Actual Line Items | CO-PA | ||
KE28 | Top-Down Distribution | CO-PA | Create Top-Down Distribution | |
KE28A | Top-Down Distribution: Profitability Analysis | CO-PA | Run Top-Down Distribution | |
KE28L | Top-Down Distribution: Logs | CO-PA | Administration: Logs | Or KE28LC (Same Program) |
KE28T | Top-Down Distribution: Technical Settings | CO-PA | ||
MMPV | Close Period for Material Master Records | MM | ||
OB08 | Currency Exchange Rates | FI | ||
S_ALR_87012129 | Withholding tax | FI | BR | DIRF | Delivery Febrary 2014 | Report | WHT | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012150 | List of incoming documents | FI | BR | Modelo 1*, 10 | Delivery 5th | Support | ICMS | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012151 | List of outgoing documents | FI | BR | Modelo 2* | Delivery 5th | Support | ICMS | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012152 | Overview of production and inventory | FI | BR | Modelo 3 | Delivery March 2014 | Report | ICMS | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012153 | Physical inventory overview | FI | BR | Modelo 7* | Delivery March 2014 | Report | ICMS | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012154 | Fiscal Book - IPI tax | FI | BR | Modelo 8* | Delivery 5th | Tax Calculation | IPI | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012155 | Fiscal Book - ICMS tax | FI | BR | Modelo 9* | Delivery 5th | Tax Calculation | ICMS | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012158 | SINTEGRA - File as per ICMS law 69/02 | FI | BR | Arquivo Magnético | Delivery 15th | Report | ICMS | Deprecated |
S_ALR_87012195 | Customer Master Data Comparison | FI/SD | Sales Organization X Distribution Channel X Division Comparison. Just need to flag "Not created in Fin.Accounting" | |
S_P00_07000134 | Generic Withholding taxes reporting | FI | ||
S_PL0_09000314 | Relatorio 1099 MISC para emissão normal e arquivo eletronico | FI | US | Issue Withholding Tax 1099 Misc - Regular report and Electronic file | Deprecated |
SAP Programs and Functions
Relevant programs and functions for consultants
Object | Type | Name | Use | Explanation |
RFEBKA96 | Program (SE38) | Delete Data Buffer | You can use to delete the electronic bank statement imported by FF.5, and also banks receipts, lockbox and more | For Bank Statement, check the Short Key (KUKEY) in the table FEBKO (Bank Statement Header) |
SAPHTML_DEMO1 | Program (SE38) | HTML Control as WWW Browser | You can use as a browser inside SAP | |
CALL_TRANSACTION_FROM_TABLE | Function (SE37) | Execution of a Transaction | Sometimes you can use this function to access a transaction that you don't have access (it depends of the profile) | In the field "I_TCODE" and execute the function |
RS_HDSYS_CALL_TC_VARIANT | Function (SE37) | External: Call Transaction With Variant | Sometimes you can use this function to access a transaction that you don't have access (it depends of the profile) | In the field "I_TCODE" and execute the function. |
RFBNUM00N | Program (SE38) | Gaps in Document Number Assignment | You can check the Gaps in Document Number Assignment | In the transaction inform Company Code and Fiscal Year, and can be filtered by number range and document type |
SAPF019 | Program (SE38) | Deleting Master Data | You can use it to delete Customers, Vendors, G/L Accounts in non-productive instance (Do not use in production) |
Mapping Table for Modified Transaction Codes in Menu Areas
You can check this same list in the table: PRGN_CORR2 (Correction Table for Modif. Transaction Codes in Area Menus)
SAP Release | Tcode (From) | Description | Program | Tcode (To) | Description | Program |
751 | CK11 | Create Product Cost Estimate | SAPLCKDI | CK11N | Create Material Cost Estimate | SAPLCKDI |
751 | CK13 | Display Product Cost Estimate | SAPMC64S | CK13N | Display Material Cost Estimate | SAPLCKDI |
751 | CK41 | Create Costing Run | SAPMC64S | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK42 | Change Costing Run | SAPMC64S | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK43 | Display Costing Run | SAPMC64S | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK60 | Preselection for Material/Plant | SAPRCK60 | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK62 | Find Structure: BOM Explosion | SAPRCK62 | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK64 | Run: Cost Estimate of Objects | SAPMC64S | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK66 | Mark Run for Release | SAPRCK66 | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK68 | Release Costing Run | SAPRCK68 | CK40N | Edit Costing Run | SAPRCKCC |
751 | CK74 | Create Additive Costs | SAPLKKP4 | CK74N | Create Additive Costs | SAPLCKDI |
751 | CU51E | CE: Order BOM (eoASL) | SAPLCASL | CU51 | Order BOM | SAPLCASL |
751 | CU52 | Display Order BOM | SAPLCASL | CU51 | Order BOM | SAPLCASL |
751 | CU52E | CE: Display Order BOM | SAPLCASL | CU51 | Order BOM | SAPLCASL |
751 | CU80 | Configurable Mat. Characteristics | RCCUBD00 | PMEVC | Variant Configuration Modeling Envmt | SAPLPMEVC_MODEL |
751 | CUMODEL | Transaction for Displaying Model | RCUMODEL | PMEVC | Variant Configuration Modeling Envmt | SAPLPMEVC_MODEL |
751 | CVW | PLM WUI | ||||
751 | DIS01 | DIS01N | Distribution: Collective processing | RDISALL2 | ||
751 | EDM1 | EDM1N | Profile Value Import (New) | REEDM1N | ||
751 | FAGL_FC_VAL | Foreign Currency Valuation | FAGL_FC_VALUATION | FAGL_FCV | Foreign Currency Valuation | FAGL_FCV |
751 | FD0 | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL | ||
751 | FD01 | Create Customer (Accounting) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FD02 | Change Customer (Accounting) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FD03 | Display Customer (Accounting) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FD05 | Block Customer (Accounting) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FD06 | Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FD32 | Change Customer Credit Management | SAPMF02C | UKM_BP | Credit Management Business Partner | UKM_BP_START |
751 | FK01 | Create Vendor (Accounting) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FK02 | Change Vendor (Accounting) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FK03 | Display Vendor (Accounting) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FK05 | Block Vendor (Accounting) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FK06 | Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | FS01 | Create Master Record | SAPMF02H | FS00 | G/L acct master record maintenance | SAPGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_START |
751 | FS02 | Change Master Record | SAPMF02H | FS00 | G/L acct master record maintenance | SAPGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_START |
751 | FS03 | Display Master Record | SAPMF02H | FS00 | G/L acct master record maintenance | SAPGL_ACCOUNT_MASTER_START |
751 | IP30 | MaintSchedule Date Monitoring | RISTRA20 | IP30H | Mass Schedule Maintenance Plans | RISTRA20H |
751 | KB11 | Enter Reposting of Primary Costs | SAPMK23B | KB11N | Enter Manual Repostings of Costs | SAPLK23F1 |
751 | KB21 | Enter Activity Allocation | SAPMK23B | KB11N | Enter Manual Repostings of Costs | SAPLK23F1 |
751 | KB31 | Enter Statistical Key Figures | SAPMK23B | KB11N | Enter Manual Repostings of Costs | SAPLK23F1 |
751 | KB33 | Display Statistical Key Figures | SAPMK23B | KB11N | Enter Manual Repostings of Costs | SAPLK23F1 |
751 | KB34 | Reverse Statistical Key Figures | SAPMK23B | KB11N | Enter Manual Repostings of Costs | SAPLK23F1 |
751 | KB51 | Enter Activity Posting | SAPMK23B | KB11N | Enter Manual Repostings of Costs | SAPLK23F1 |
751 | KE21 | Create CO-PA line item | SAPMKEI1 | KE21N | CO-PA Line Item Entry | SAPMKEI2 |
751 | KE23 | Display CO-PA line item | SAPMKEI1 | KE24 | Line Item Display - Actual Data | RKEB0601 |
751 | KKB4 | Itemization for Base Planning Obj. | RKKBKIS1 | CKUC | Multilevel Unit Costing | CKEKMULTILEVELCOSTINGSTARTUP |
751 | KKBC_HOE | Analyze Summarization Object | KKBC_HOE_H | Analyze Summarization Object | SAPMKKB0 | |
751 | KKBF | Order Selection (Classification) | RKKBSEL1 | KKR0 | CO Summarization: Hierarchy Maintena | RKKRKKR0 |
751 | KKE1 | Add Base Planning Object | SAPMK70B | CKUC | Multilevel Unit Costing | CKEKMULTILEVELCOSTINGSTARTUP |
751 | KKE2 | Change Base Planning Object | SAPMK70B | CKUC | Multilevel Unit Costing | CKEKMULTILEVELCOSTINGSTARTUP |
751 | KKE3 | Display Base Planning Object | SAPMK70B | CKUC | Multilevel Unit Costing | CKEKMULTILEVELCOSTINGSTARTUP |
751 | KKEC | Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est | RKKEKLVE | CKUC | Multilevel Unit Costing | CKEKMULTILEVELCOSTINGSTARTUP |
751 | KKED | BOM for Base Planning Objects | RKKBKIS1 | CKUC | Multilevel Unit Costing | CKEKMULTILEVELCOSTINGSTARTUP |
751 | KKRC | Summarization: CO Object | SAPMKKRD | KKBC_HOE_H | Analyze Summarization Object | SAPMKKB0 |
751 | MAP1 | Create contact person | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MAP2 | Change contact person | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MAP3 | Display contact person | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MATGRP01 | Create Article Hierarchy | SAPMWCDT01 | WMATGRP01 | Create Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_INS |
751 | MATGRP02 | Change Article Hierarchy | SAPMWCDT02 | WMATGRP02 | Change Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_UPD |
751 | MATGRP03 | Display Article Hierarchy | SAPMWCDT03 | WMATGRP03 | Display Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_SHW |
751 | MATGRP04 | Delete Article Hierarchy | SAPMWCDT04 | WMATGRP04 | Delete Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_DEL |
751 | MATGRP05 | Activate Article Hierarchy | SAPMWCDT05 | WMATGRP05 | Activate Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_ACT |
751 | MATGRP06 | Article Hierarchy: Copy Nodes | SAPMWCDT06 | WMATGRP06 | Copy Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_COPY |
751 | MATGRP07 | Deactivate Article Hierarchy | SAPMWCDT07 | WMATGRP07 | Deactivate Article Hierarchy | SAPMWRFCDT_DACT |
751 | MB01 | Post Goods Receipt for PO | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB02 | Change Material Document | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB03 | Display Material Document | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB04 | Subsequ.Adj.of "Mat.Provided"Consmp. | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB05 | Subseq. Adjustmt: Act.Ingredient Mat | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB0A | Post Goods Receipt for PO | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB11 | Goods Movement | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB1A | Goods Withdrawal | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB1B | Transfer Posting | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB1C | Other Goods Receipts | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MB31 | Goods Receipt for Production Order | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MBNL | Subsequent Delivery f. Material Doc. | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MBRL | Return Delivery for Matl Document | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MBSF | Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc. | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MBSL | Copy Material Document | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MBST | Cancel Material Document | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MBSU | Place in Stor.for Mat.Doc: Init.Scrn | SAPMM07M | MIGO | Goods Movement | SAPLMIGO |
751 | MD01N | MRP Live | PPH_MRP_START | WRP1R | Replenishment: Rapid Planning | RWRPLRRP |
751 | MDAB | Planning File - Set Up BATCH | RMMDBTCH | PPH_MDAB | MRP-Records - Setup and Check BATCH | RMMDBTCH |
751 | MDRE | Checking Plnng File In BCKGRND Mode | RMMDBTCH | PPH_MDAB | MRP-Records - Setup and Check BATCH | RMMDBTCH |
751 | MK01 | Create vendor (Purchasing) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK02 | Change vendor (Purchasing) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK03 | Display vendor (Purchasing) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK05 | Block Vendor (Purchasing) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK06 | Mark vendor for deletion (purch.) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK12 | Change vendor (Purchasing), planned | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK18 | Activate planned vendor changes (Pu) | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MK19 | Display vendor (purchasing), future | SAPMF02K | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | MMBE_OLD | Stock Overview | RMMMBEST | MMBE | Stock Overview | RMMMBESTN |
751 | MMCL | Stock Overview by Characteristic | MILL_CLMMBE | BMBC | Batch Information Cockpit | RVBBINCO |
751 | MSAB | LTP: set up plnng file entries BATCH | RMMDBTCH | PPH_MSAB | LTP: set up plnng file entries BATCH | RMMDBTCH |
751 | MSAC | LTP: delete plnng file entries BATCH | RMMDBTCH | PPH_MSAC | MRP-Records LTP - Delete Scenario | RMMDBTCH |
751 | MSC1 | Create Batch | SAPMM03S | MSC1N | Create Batch | SAPLCHRG |
751 | MSC2 | Change Batch | SAPMM03S | MSC2N | Change Batch | SAPLCHRG |
751 | MSC3 | Display Batch | SAPMM03S | MSC3N | Display Batch | SAPLCHRG |
751 | MSC4 | Display Batch Changes | SAPMM03S | MSC4N | Display Change Documents for Batch | SAPLCHRG |
751 | O300 | IS-Oil Administration infosystem | ROI0SARP | SE43 | Edit Area Menu | SAPLBMEN |
751 | O3C1 | Create Oil Conversion Defaults | SAPMOIB2 | O3DEFAULTS | New Defaulttransaction | SAPMOIB_DEF |
751 | O3C2 | Change Oil Conversion Defaults | SAPMOIB2 | O3DEFAULTS | New Defaulttransaction | SAPMOIB_DEF |
751 | O4NC | Create Nomination | ROIJ_NOM_GUI | O4NCN/O4NM | ||
751 | O4NS | Display Nomination | ROIJ_NOM_GUI | O4NSN/O4NM | ||
751 | O4NV | Change Nomination | ROIJ_NOM_GUI | O4NM | Maintain Nomination | ROIJ_NOM_GUI |
751 | O4TC | Generate Stock Projection | ROIJRDU1 | O4TCN | Generate Stock Projection New | ROIJRDU1N |
751 | O4TCB | Generate Stock Projection for batch | ROIJRDU1B | O4TCN | Generate Stock Projection New | ROIJRDU1N |
751 | O4TDL | OIL-TSW Delete Location | SAPMOIJL | O402N | ||
751 | O4TE_CORRECT | OIL-TSW: Correct ticket actualizatio | SAPMOIJT | O4TENCORR | Correct ticket | SAPMOIJTN |
751 | O4TE_REVERSE | OIL-TSW: Reverse ticket actualizatio | SAPMOIJT | O4TENREV | Reverse Ticket | SAPMOIJTN |
751 | O4TF | OIL-TSW: Change ticket | SAPMOIJT | O4TFN | Change ticket | SAPMOIJTN |
751 | O4TG | OIL-TSW: Display Ticket | SAPMOIJT | O4TGN | Display Ticket | SAPMOIJTN |
751 | O4TH | OIL-TSW: Delete movement ticket | SAPMOIJT | O4THN | Delete Ticket | SAPMOIJTN |
751 | O4TO | Worklist | ROIJWL_LIST | O4TO_LIST | Worklist | ROIJWL_LIST |
751 | O4TW | OIL-TSW Create Location | SAPMOIJL | O401 | Create Location Master Record | SAPMOIFA |
751 | O4TX | OIL-TSW Change Location | SAPMOIJL | O402 | Change PBL Master Record | SAPMOIFA |
751 | O4TY | OIL-TSW Display Location | SAPMOIJL | O403 | Display PBL Master Record | SAPMOIFA |
751 | PEG01 | PEG01N | Pegging: Collective processing | RPEGALL2 | ||
751 | PKW1 | PK13N | Kanban Board: Demand Source View | SAPLMPKP | ||
751 | POFO1 | Create Portfolio | SAPLWPOT | POFO31 | Portfolio: Create | SAPLWPOT |
751 | POFO2 | Change Portfolio | SAPLWPOT | POFO32 | Portfolio: Change | SAPLWPOT |
751 | POFO3 | Display Portfolio | SAPLWPOT | POFO33 | Portfolio: Display | SAPLWPOT |
751 | SM01 | Lock Transactions | SAPMTSTC | SM01_CUS | Local App. Start Lock Maintenance | RSAUDITC_BCE |
751 | S_AC0_520 00170 | WAB_CLOSE | Complete Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2057 | ||
751 | S_AC0_520 00172 | WAB_REOPEN | Reopen Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2058 | ||
751 | S_AC0_520 00174 | WAB_REOPEN | Reopen Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2058 | ||
751 | S_AC0_520 00175 | WAB_REOPEN | Reopen Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2058 | ||
751 | S_AC0_52000143 | Complete Settlement Documents | WAB_CLOSE | Complete Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2057 | |
751 | S_AC0_52000169 | Complete Vendor Billing Documents | WAB_CLOSE | Complete Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2057 | |
751 | S_AC0_52000170 | Complete Expenses Settlements | WAB_CLOSE | Complete Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2057 | |
751 | S_AC0_52000172 | Reopen Settlement Documents | WAB_REOPEN | Reopen Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2058 | |
751 | S_AC0_52000174 | Reopen Vendor Billing Documents | WAB_REOPEN | Reopen Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2058 | |
751 | S_AC0_52000175 | Reopen Expenses Settlements | WAB_REOPEN | Reopen Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2058 | |
751 | S_AEN_10000032 | Enhanced RemunLists from RemunList | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_AEN_10000033 | Determine Relevant Settle. Doc Lists | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_AEN_10000034 | Simulation RemunLists frm RemunList | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_AEN_10000037 | Customer Settl. List Creation Disp. | WBLRN_DISP | Dispatcher: Custom. Settlement Lists | ||
751 | S_AEN_10000038 | Customer Sttlmnt Creation Dispatcher | WBLRN_DISP | Dispatcher: Custom. Settlement Lists | ||
751 | S_AEN_10000038 | Customer Sttlmnt Creation Dispatcher | WLF1K_DISP | Dispatcher: Create Customer SettlMnt | ||
751 | S_AEN_10000060 | Enhncd RemunLists frm Predecessor | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_AEN_10000065 | Preceding Docs for Settl. Doc Lists | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_AEN_10000066 | Simulation RemunLists frm Predcessor | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_AEN_10000074 | Dispatcher Sttlmnt Rqst List Crtn | WRLVN_DISP | Dispatcher: Suppl. Settlement Lists | ||
751 | S_AEN_10000075 | Mass Release Dispatcher | WAB_RELEASE_DISP | Dispatcher: Mass Release | ||
751 | S_AEN_10000083 | Dispatcher Enhanced Remuneration Lst | WLF_RRLE_CREATE_DISP | Dispatcher: Create Settle. Doc. List | ||
751 | S_AL0_96000192 | Create Customer Settlements | WLF1K | Create Customer Settlements | RWLF2051 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000193 | Customer Settlement (Header Info) | WLI2 | List Output Settl. Mgmt Doc. | RWLF1051 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000194 | Customer Settlement (with Item Data) | WLI2 | List Output Settl. Mgmt Doc. | RWLF1051 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000195 | Expenses Settlement (Header Data) | WLI2 | List Output Settl. Mgmt Doc. | RWLF1051 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000196 | Expense Settlement (with Item Data) | WLI2 | List Output Settl. Mgmt Doc. | RWLF1051 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000197 | Settlement Doc List from Cust. Sett. | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000198 | Settlement for Settlement Doc List | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_AL0_96000212 | Mass Release of Customer Settlements | WAB_RELEASE | Release Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2056 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000306 | Mass Cancellation: Settl. Doc Lists | WAB_CANCEL | Reverse Settlement Mgmt Documents | RWLF2055 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000307 | Mass Cancellation: Settlement Req. | WAB_CANCEL | Reverse Settlement Mgmt Documents | RWLF2055 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000308 | Mass Cancellation: Customer Settlemt | WAB_CANCEL | Reverse Settlement Mgmt Documents | RWLF2055 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000309 | Mass Cancell. of Customer SettlLists | WAB_CANCEL | Reverse Settlement Mgmt Documents | RWLF2055 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000324 | Mass Pricing: Vendor Settlement List | WAB_PRICING | Mass Pricing for Settl. Mgmt Docs | RWLF2054 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000325 | Mass release payment documents | WAB_PRICING | Mass Pricing for Settl. Mgmt Docs | RWLF2054 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000333 | Settlem. Doc List Expense Settlement | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000334 | Release Expense Settlement Documents | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_AL0_96000335 | Mass Release of Customer Settlement | WAB_RELEASE | Release Settlement Management Docs | RWLF2056 | |
751 | S_AL0_96000336 | Mass Cancellation: Expense Settlemt | WAB_CANCEL | Reverse Settlement Mgmt Documents | RWLF2055 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000170 | Settlement Document Lists | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000171 | Settl Doc Lists From Cust Settl List | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000172 | Settlem. Doc Lists From VBilling Doc | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000173 | Settlem. Doc List from Cust. Settlmt | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000174 | Remun. Lists From Expense Settlement | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000175 | Relevant Payment Documents | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_ALN_01000176 | Customer Settlement Documents | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_ALN_01000177 | Relevant Customer Settlement Lists | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_ALN_01000178 | Expense Settlement Documents | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_ALN_01000179 | Relevant Vendor Billing Documents | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_ALN_01000371 | Simulation of Settlement Doc Lists | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000372 | Simulation of Settlement Doc Lists | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000373 | Simulation of Settlement Doc Lists | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000375 | Simulation of Settlement Doc Lists | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_ALN_01000376 | Simulation: Remu. List From Delivery | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_E37_17000019 | Extended Remuneratn Lists from FI-B | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_E37_17000020 | Simulation RemuneratnLists from FI-B | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_E37_17000021 | Dispatcher Message Output | WLN14D | Dispatcher: Message Output | ||
751 | S_E4R_35000021 | Extended Remuneratn Lists from SD-F | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_E4R_35000022 | Simulatn Remuneratn Lists from SD-F | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_E4R_35000024 | Relevant FI Docs for Extnd RemunList | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_E4R_35000025 | Relevant SD Bill Docs fr Extd RemLst | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_PRN_53000718 | Remun. Lists from Vendor Settlements | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_PRN_53000719 | Remun. Lists from Vendor Settlements | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | |
751 | S_PRN_53000720 | Remun. Lists from Vendor Settlements | WLFSLRL | Worklist-Based Settlement Doc. List | RWLF_SETTLEMENT_LIST_RL | |
751 | S_PRN_53000721 | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY | WLF_RRLE_CREATE | Create Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9039 | |
751 | S_PRN_53000722 | WLF_RRLE_SIM | Simulation Settlement Document Lists | RWLF9042 | ||
751 | V+21 | Create Sales Prospect | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V+22 | Create Competitor | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V+23 | Create Business Partner | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-03 | Create ordering party (Sales) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-04 | Create invoice recipient (Sales) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-05 | Create payer (Sales) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-06 | Create consignee (Sales) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-07 | Create one-time customer (Sales) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-08 | Create payer (Centrally) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
751 | V-09 | Create ordering party (Centrally) | SAPMF02D | BP | Maintain Business Partner | SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL |
Fiori App Mapping (Fiori vs TCodes)
SAP has made available a Fiori Library that allows a Fiori Tiles mapping with the SAP GUI Transaction Code.
You can check it using my table below.
FioriID | TCodes | App Name | App Type | App Component | Device Type | Product Version | Tech Catalog Descript | Bus Catalog Descript | Link |
F0029 | V.00 | Sales Order Fulfillment Issues | Transactional | SD-FIO-HBA | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | CEC: Customer Engagement and Commerce - SD | Sales - Sales Order Processing | [+] |
F0029A | V.00 | Sales Order Fulfillment Issues (Version 2) | Transactional, Analytical | SD-FIO-HBA | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | CEC: Customer Engagement and Commerce - SD | Sales - Sales Order Monitoring, Sales - Sales Order Monitoring and Tracking | [+] |
F0046A | XD03 | Customer Master FactSheets | Fact sheet | LO-MD-FIO-CM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP CMD Technical Catalog: All Apps | Master Data - Customer Display, Management of Change | [+] |
F0106 | FDM_COLL01 | Process Receivables | Transactional | FIN-FIO-CCD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: All Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations | [+] |
F0217 | BNK_MONIP | Track Supplier Invoices | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-TRA | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | [+] | |
F0232A | VL33N | Inbound Delivery (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | LE-SHP-FIO-OBP | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Logistics Execution - Inbound Deliveries Display | [+] |
F0233A | VL03N | Outbound Delivery (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | LE-SHP-FIO-OBP | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Management of Change, Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries Display | [+] |
F0234A | VL03N | Returns Delivery (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | LE-SHP-FIO-OBP | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Logistics Execution - Inbound Deliveries Display, Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries Display | [+] |
F0246 | MD04 | Monitor External Requirements | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - MRP Cockpit | [+] |
F0247 | MB53 | Monitor Material Coverage - Net Segments | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2020 | SAP: Production Planning & Shop Floor Control | Production Planning - MRP Cockpit | [+] |
F0247A | MB53 | Monitor Material Coverage (Version 2) | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - MRP Cockpit | [+] |
F0250 | MD04 | Manage External Requirements | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - MRP Cockpit | [+] |
F0263 | MD07 | Monitor Internal Requirements | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - MRP Cockpit | [+] |
F0266 | COOIS | Monitor Production Orders or Process Orders | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - In-house Production | [+] |
F0266A | COOIS | Monitor Production Orders or Process Orders (Version 2) | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - In-house Production | [+] |
F0270 | MD04 | Manage Internal Requirements | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - MRP Cockpit | [+] |
F0273 | CO0R5 | Manage Production Orders or Process Orders | Transactional | PP-FIO-MRP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Production Planning & Shop Floor Control: All Apps | Production Planning - In-house Production | [+] |
F0286A | CJ20N | Milestone | Fact sheet | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Financial Control | [+] |
F0288A | CN23 | Network (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Project Logistics Control | [+] |
F0289A | CN23 | Network Activity (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Project Logistics Control | [+] |
F0290A | CJ08 | Project Definition (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | PS-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Project Financial Control | [+] |
F0291A | CJ13 | WBS Element (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Project Financial Control | [+] |
F0292 | CJ12 | Change WBS Element Status | Transactional | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Financial Control | [+] |
F0295 | CJ20N | Confirm Project Milestone | Transactional | PS-FIO-CON | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Financial Control, Project Logistics Control | [+] |
F0296 | CN25 | Confirm Network Activity | Transactional | PS-FIO-CON | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Logistics Control | [+] |
F0311A | QS34 | Inspection Method (S/4HANA) | Fact sheet | QM-FIO-IM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP QM: All Apps | QM - Inspection Methods, QM - Inspection Methods Display, QM - Inspection Planning, QM - Results Recording | [+] |
F0333A | WA03 | Allocation Table (S/4HANA) | Transactional, Fact sheet | LO-RFM-PUR-AL | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Retail & Fashion Management | Allocation (Retail) - Allocation Table Display | [+] |
F0335A | WB03 | Site (S/4HANA) | Transactional, Fact sheet | LO-RFM-MD-SIT | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Retail & Fashion Management | Master Data (Retail) - Site Display | [+] |
F0338A | MM03 | Material Master | Transactional, Fact sheet | LO-MD-MM | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | [+] | ||
F0346A | MIR4 | Supplier Invoice (S/4HANA) | Transactional | MM-FIO-IV | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | ||
F0348 | ME23N | Purchase Order | Fact sheet | MM-FIO-PUR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | ||
F0348A | ME23N | Purchase Order (Version 2) | Transactional | MM-FIO-PUR-PO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Management of Change, Purchasing - Purchase Order Processing, Purchasing - Management, Purchasing - Purchasing Document Display, Materials Management - Employee Self Services V2, Project Financial Control, Finance - Account Reconciliation | [+] |
F0349 | ME53N | Purchase Requisition Item | Fact sheet | MM-FIO-PUR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | ||
F0349A | ME53N | Purchase Requisition Item (Version 2) | Transactional, Fact sheet | MM-FIO-PUR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Purchasing - Employee Self Services, Purchasing - Purchase Requisition Approval, Purchasing - Requirement Processing, Purchasing - Purchasing Document Display, Materials Management - Employee Self Services V2, Project Financial Control | [+] |
F0351 | ME13 | Purchasing Info Record | Fact sheet | MM-FIO-PUR | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | ||
F0351A | ME13 | Purchasing Info Record (Version 2) | Fact sheet | MM-FIO-PUR-IR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Purchasing - Source Assignment, Purchasing - Sourcing Documents Display | [+] |
F0354 | MK03 | Supplier | Fact sheet | LO-MD-BP-VM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP CMD Technical Catalog: All Apps|SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Master Data - Supplier Display, Management of Change, Supplier and Category Management - Activity Management, Project Financial Control, Finance - Account Reconciliation | [+] |
F0366 | S_ALR_87013620 | My Spend (Version 2) | Transactional | CO-FIO-OPA-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: Fiori Apps | Controlling - Cost Management | [+] |
F0379A | MI03 | Manage Physical Inventory Documents | Transactional, Fact sheet | MM-FIO-IM-PI | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Procurement IM Technical Catalog | Materials Management - Physical Inventory Management, Materials Management - Physical Inventory Processing, Materials Management - Inventory Processing Overview, Materials Management - Physical Inventory Document Display | [+] |
F0380 | UDM_SPECIALIST | Process Collections Worklist | Transactional | FIN-FIO-CCD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Receivable - Collections | [+] |
F0400A | ME35K | My Inbox - Approve Purchase Contracts | Transactional | MM-FIO-PUR-CON | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: All Apps | [+] | |
F0401A | ME55 | My Inbox - Approve Purchase Requisitions | Transactional | CA-INB-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Cross - Transactional Apps | Manager Approval (Cross) - Content, Materials Management - Purchase Requisition Approval | [+] |
F0402A | ME29N | My Inbox - Approve Purchase Order | Transactional | MM-FIO-PUR-PO-WFL | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: All Apps | [+] | |
F0409 | PR05 | My Travel Requests | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-MTR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2020 | Travel - Employee | Travel - Employee Self Services | [+] |
F0409A | PR05 | My Travel Requests (Version 2) | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-MTR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Travel - Transactional Apps | Travel - Employee Self Services | [+] |
F0409B | PR05 | Travel Requests for Travel Assistant | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-MTR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Travel - Employee | Travel Assistant | [+] |
F0410A | SBWP | My Inbox - Approve Travel Expenses | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-ATE | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Cross - Transactional Apps | Manager Approval (Cross) - Content | [+] |
F0411A | SBWP | My Inbox - Approve Travel Requests | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-ATR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Cross - Transactional Apps | Manager Approval (Cross) - Content | [+] |
F0431 | MB03 | Look Up Retail Products | Transactional | LO-RFM-STO-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Retail Store - Transactional Apps | Retail Store Operations - Content | [+] |
F0512A | FF7A | Liquidity Forecast | Analytical | FIN-FSCM-CLM-LM | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: Fiori Apps | [+] | |
F0513A | FF7A | Actual Cash Flow | Analytical | FIN-FSCM-CLM-LM | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: Fiori Apps | Cash Management - Liquidity Management | [+] |
F0515A | FTE_BSM | Bank Risk (S/4HANA) | Analytical | FIN-FSCM-CLM-COP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: Fiori Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations | [+] |
F0517A | FTE_BSM | Deficit Cash Pool (S/4HANA) | Analytical | FIN-FSCM-CLM-COP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: Fiori Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations | [+] |
F0539 | CJ20N | Change Network Activity Status | Transactional | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Logistics Control | [+] |
F0540A | CJ20N | Material Component | Fact sheet | PS-FIO-STR | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Project Systems Technical Catalog | Project Logistics Control | [+] |
F0547A | ME2C | My Purchasing Document Items (S/4HANA) | Transactional | MM-PUR-PO | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1809 | [+] | ||
F0584 | PR05 | My Travel and Expenses | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-MTE | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | Travel - Employee | Travel - Employee Self Services | [+] |
F0584A | PR05 | My Travel and Expenses (Version 2) | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-MTE | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Travel - Employee | Travel - Employee Self Services | [+] |
F0584B | PR05 | Travel and Expenses for Travel Assistant | Transactional | FI-FIO-TV-MTE | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | Travel - Employee | Travel Assistant | [+] |
F0586 | MB03 | Adjust Stock | Transactional | LO-RFM-STO-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Retail Store - Transactional Apps | Retail Store Operations - Content | [+] |
F0593 | FB02 | Manage Payment Blocks | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-PAY | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Operational Processing | [+] |
F0593A | FB02 | Manage Payment Blocks V2 | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-PAY | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Operational Processing | [+] |
F0617A | DAGRUN | Manage Data Aging Groups (Version 2) | Transactional | BC-ILM-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Application Services: Fiori Apps | [+] | |
F0618A | DAGOBJ | Monitor Data Aging Objects (Version 2) | Transactional | BC-CCM-FIO-DAG | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2020 | [+] | ||
F0627A | SARA | Manage Archiving Variants | Transactional | BC-ILM-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Application Services: Fiori Apps | Information Lifecycle Management - Archiving | [+] |
F0673 | BNK_APP | Approve Bank Payments | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | SAP: Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps | [+] | |
F0673A | BNK_APP | Approve Bank Payments (Version 2) | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Payment Approval, Bank Communication - Approval (Obsolete), Cash Management - Cash Operations, Cash Management - Cash Operations Basic | [+] |
F0691 | FRFT_B | Make Bank Transfers | Transactional | FIN-FSCM-CLM-COP-BT | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: Fiori Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations | [+] |
F0692 | BNK_MONI | Track Bank Transfers | Transactional | FIN-FSCM-CLM-COP-BT | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: All Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations | [+] |
F0701 | FK10N | Display Supplier Balances | Analytical | FI-FIO-AP-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Operational Processing | [+] |
F0702 | UDM_DISPUTE | Manage Dispute Cases | Transactional | FIN-FIO-CCD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: All Apps | [+] | |
F0702A | UDM_DISPUTE | Manage Dispute Cases (Version 2) | Transactional | FIN-FIO-CCD-COL | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Receivable - Dispute Resolution | [+] |
F0703 | FD10 | Display Customer Balances | Analytical | FI-FIO-AR-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Receivable - Document Processing, Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0706 | FAGLL03 | Display G/L Account Line Items | Transactional | FI-FIO-GL | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | SAP: Financials - Accounting | General Ledger - Operational Processing | [+] |
F0707 | F.08 | Display G/L Account Balances | Analytical | FI-FIO-GL-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | General Ledger - Analytics | [+] |
F0707A | F.08 | Display G/L Account Balances (New) | Analytical | FI-FIO-GL-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | General Ledger - Analytics | [+] |
F0708 | F.01 | Balance Sheet/Income Statement | Transactional | FI-GL-GL | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | General Ledger - Reporting | [+] |
F0711 | FBL5 | Manage Customer Line Items | Transactional | FI-FIO-AR-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Receivable - Document Processing, Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0712 | FBL1 | Manage Supplier Line Items | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Operational Processing | [+] |
F0714A | FM5I | Manage Funds | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data, Grant Specialist Master Data | [+] |
F0715A | FM_SETS_FUND3 | Fund Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data, Grant Responsible Master Data, Grant Specialist Master Data | [+] |
F0718 | F-02 | Post General Journal Entries | Transactional | FI-FIO-GL-TRA | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | General Ledger - Journal Entry Processing, General Ledger - Submit Journal Entries for Verification, General Ledger - Verify Journal Entries | [+] |
F0722A | FMSC | Manage Funds Centers | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0723A | FMBPD | Manage Budget Periods | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0724A | FM_SETS_FICTR3 | Funds Center Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0725A | BP_SETS_3 | Budget Period Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0726A | FMCIA | Manage Commitment Items | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0727A | FM_SETS_FUNCTION3 | Functional Area Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0728A | FMRP_RFFMEP1AX | Manage Functional Areas | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0729A | FM_SETS_FUNDPRG3 | Funded Program Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0730A | FM_SETS_FIPEX3 | Commitment Item Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0731 | FS00 | Manage G/L Account Master Data | Web Dynpro | FI-FIO-GL | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | ||
F0731A | FS00 | Manage G/L Account Master Data (Version 2) | Transactional | FI-FIO-GL-MD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | General Ledger - Master Data for Chart of Accounts, Project Financial Control, G/L Account Factsheets | [+] |
F0732 | KE51 | Manage Profit Center Master Data | Web Dynpro | FI-FIO-GL | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2020 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Profit Center Master Data, General Ledger - Master Data Maintenance | [+] |
F0735 | FF7AN | Check Cash Flow Items | Transactional | FIN-FSCM-CLM-COP-PD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: Fiori Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations, Cash Management - Cash Operations Basic, Treasury - Balance Sheet FX Risk | [+] |
F0737 | FF7AN | Cash Position Details | Transactional | FIN-FSCM-CLM-COP | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1610 | SAP: Financials - Cash Management Apps | Cash Management - Cash Operations | [+] |
F0741 | FF7B | Liquidity Forecast Details | Analytical, Web Dynpro | FIN-FSCM-CLM-LM | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Cash Management: Classic Apps | Cash Management - Liquidity Management | [+] |
F0741A | FF7B | Liquidity Forecast Details (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | FIN-FSCM-CLM-LM | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Cash Management Apps: All Apps | Cash Management - Liquidity Management | [+] |
F0743 | F-47 | Create Single Payment | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-PAY | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Payments | [+] |
F0744 | F.64 | Create Correspondence | Transactional | FI-FIO-AR-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable and Receivable - Correspondence, Accounts Payable - Operational Processing | [+] |
F0744A | FB12 | Create Correspondence (Version 2) | Transactional | FI-FIO-AR | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable and Receivable - Correspondence, Accounts Payable - Operational Processing, General Ledger - Closing, General Ledger - Journal Entry Clearing, General Ledger - Journal Entry Processing | [+] |
F0752 | ME22N | Order Products | Transactional | LO-RFM-STO-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Retail Store - Transactional Apps | Retail Store Operations - Content | [+] |
F0753 | MB11 | Transfer Stock | Transactional | LO-RFM-STO-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Retail Store - Transactional Apps | Retail Store Operations - Content | [+] |
F0763 | F.10 | Display Chart of Accounts | Transactional | FI-FIO-GL | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | |||
F0763A | F.10 | Manage Chart of Accounts | Transactional | FI-FIO-GL-MD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | General Ledger - Master Data for Chart of Accounts | [+] |
F0764 | KCH1 | Manage Profit Center Groups | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-PCA-MD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Master Data | [+] |
F0770 | FBZ8 | Manage Automatic Payments | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-PAY | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable and Receivable - Payments, Accounts Payable - Payments | [+] |
F0771 | F110 | Revise Payment Proposals | Transactional | FI-FIO-AP-PAY | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable and Receivable - Payments, Accounts Payable - Payments | [+] |
F0773 | F-32 | Clear Incoming Payments | Transactional | FI-FIO-AR-TRA | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounts Payable Receivable Apps: Fiori Apps | Accounts Receivable - Clearing | [+] |
F0775A | FMMEASURE | Manage Funded Programs | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0797 | VF02 | Manage Billing Documents | Transactional | SD-FIO-BIL | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | CEC: Customer Engagement and Commerce - SD | Administration - Retail, Sales - Billing Document | [+] |
F0798 | VF01 | Create Billing Documents | Transactional | SD-FIO-BIL | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | CEC: Customer Engagement and Commerce - SD | Sales - Billing Document | [+] |
F0805A | FM6S | Manage Applications of Funds | Transactional | PSM-FM-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Budget Specialist - Master Data | [+] |
F0806 | COFI | Open Posting Periods | Transactional | FI-FIO-GL | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1610 | [+] | ||
F0832A | FMEDD | Budget Entry Document 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-BCS-BU | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Data, Budget Maintenance | [+] |
F0833A | FMRESDISPLAY | Earmarked Funds Document 360° View | Transactional | PSM-FM-PO-EF | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Earmarked Funds, Budget Specialist - Earmarked Funds | [+] |
F0837A | GMGRANTD | Grant 360° View | Transactional | PSM-GM-GTE-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps|Public Sector Funds Management AVC Analytics | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Grant Responsible Master Data, Grant Specialist Master Data | [+] |
F0838A | GM_SETS_GRANT3 | Grant Group 360° View | Transactional | PSM-GM-GTE-MD | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Public Sector Funds Management Apps | Budget Responsible - Master Data, Grant Responsible Master Data, Grant Specialist Master Data | [+] |
F0840 | ME11 | Manage Sources of Supply | Transactional | MM-PUR-VM-REC | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | [+] | |||
F0840A | ME01 | Manage Sources of Supply (Version 2) | Transactional | MM-PUR-SQ | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Purchasing - Source Assignment | [+] |
F0842 | ME21N | Manage Purchase Orders | Transactional | MM-PUR-PO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1909 | Procurement Technical catalog | [+] | |
F0842A | ME21 | Manage Purchase Orders (Version 2) | Transactional | MM-FIO-PUR-PO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Purchasing - Purchase Order Processing, Purchasing - Central Purchase Order Processing | [+] |
F0843 | MB01 | Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document | Transactional | MM-FIO-IM-SGM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement IM Technical Catalog: Fiori Apps | Materials Management - Goods Receipt Processing, Materials Management - Warehouse Processing | [+] |
F0850A | BP | Manage Customer Master Data | Transactional | LO-MD-FIO-CM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Master data - Business Partner Technical Catalog: All Apps | Master Data - Customer Master, Retail In-Store MIM, Retail Store Management | [+] |
F0859 | F-41 | Manage Supplier Invoices | Transactional | MM-FIO-IV | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Supplier Invoice Processing, Finance - Account Reconciliation, Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Purchasing - Employee Self Services, Purchasing - Management, Accounts Payable and Receivable - Supplier Invoice Display | [+] |
F0862 | SBWP | My Inbox | Transactional | CA-INB-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Cross - Transactional Apps | Manager Approvals - My Inbox | [+] |
F0867 | VL06G | Outbound Deliveries | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO-NAT | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | SAP: LE - Transactional Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0867A | VL06G | Manage Outbound Deliveries | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0868 | VL06P | Pick Outbound Delivery | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO-NAT | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0869 | VL10A | Create Outbound Deliveries | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO-NAT | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | SAP: LE - Transactional Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0869A | VL10A | Create Outbound Deliveries - From Sales Orders | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0870 | V_SA | Analyze Outbound Delivery Logs | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO-NAT | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | SAP: LE - Transactional Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0870A | V_SA | Analyze Delivery Logs | Transactional | LE-SHP-FIO | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP LE - Transactional Apps: Fiori Apps | Logistic Execution - Outbound Deliveries | [+] |
F0925 | KE30 | Market Segments - Plan/Actual | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: Fiori Apps|SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | [+] | |
F0925A | KE30 | Market Segments - Plan/Actual (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0926 | KE80 | Profit Centers - Plan/Actual | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0926A | KE80 | Profit Centers - Plan/Actual (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0927 | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Plan/Actual | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps|SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps|SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: Fiori Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0927A | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Plan/Actual (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0928 | S_ALR_87013611 | Cost Centers - Plan/Actual YTD | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0928A | S_ALR_87013611 | Cost Centers - Plan/Actual YTD (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0929 | S_ALR_87012993 | Internal Orders - Plan/Actual YTD | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0929A | S_ALR_87012993 | Internal Orders - Plan/Actual YTD (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0930 | S_ALR_87013532 | Projects - Plan/Actual YTD | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | [+] | |
F0930A | S_ALR_87013532 | Projects - Plan/Actual YTD (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Project Reporting, Sales Accounting - Professional Services Reporting | [+] |
F0931 | KE30 | Market Segments - Plan/Actual YTD | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0931A | KE30 | Market Segments - Plan/Actual YTD (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0932 | KE80 | Profit Centers - Plan/Actual YTD | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0932A | KE80 | Profit Centers - Plan/Actual YTD (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0933 | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Plan/Actual YTD | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0933A | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Plan/Actual YTD (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0934 | S_ALR_87013635 | Cost Centers - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0934A | S_ALR_87013635 | Cost Centers - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0935 | S_ALR_87013013 | Internal Orders - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0935A | S_ALR_87013013 | Internal Orders - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0936 | S_ALR_87013532 | Projects - Plan/Actual | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Project Reporting, Sales Accounting - Professional Services Reporting | [+] |
F0936A | S_ALR_87013532 | Projects - Plan/Actual (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Project Reporting, Sales Accounting - Professional Services Reporting | [+] |
F0937 | KE30 | Market Segments - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | [+] | |
F0937A | KE30 | Market Segments - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0938 | KE80 | Profit Centers - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0938A | KE80 | Profit Centers - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0939 | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0939A | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Plan/Actual with Currency Translation (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0940 | S_ALR_87013611 | Cost Centers - Actuals | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0940A | S_ALR_87013611 | Cost Centers - Actuals (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0941 | S_ALR_87012993 | Internal Orders - Actuals | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0941A | S_ALR_87012993 | Internal Orders - Actuals (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0943 | KE30 | Market Segments - Actuals | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0943A | KE30 | Market Segments - Actuals (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - Reporting | [+] |
F0944 | KE80 | Profit Centers - Actuals | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0944A | KE80 | Profit Centers - Actuals (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Profit Center Accounting - Profit Center Reporting | [+] |
F0945 | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Actuals | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0945A | S_ALR_87012284 | P&L - Actuals (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Sales Accounting - P and L Reporting | [+] |
F0948 | S_ALR_87012993 | Internal Orders - Plan/Actual | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0948A | S_ALR_87012993 | Internal Orders - Plan/Actual (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Reporting | [+] |
F0949 | KSBL | Cost Centers - Plan/Actual | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0949A | KSBL | Cost Centers - Plan/Actual (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | CO-FIO-BPC-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2021 | SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: All Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Reporting | [+] |
F0996 | FAGLB03 | Trial Balance | Web Dynpro | FI-FIO-GL-IS | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Accounting: Classic Apps | General Ledger - Reporting | [+] |
F0996A | FAGLB03 | Trial Balance (Design Studio) | Analytical, BW Query used | FI-FIO-GL-IS | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Financials - Accounting: Fiori Apps | [+] | |
F1022 | KO01 | Manage Internal Order (Web) | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-OPA-MD | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP: Financials - Controlling Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Master Data | [+] |
F1023 | KS01 | Manage Cost Center Master Data | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1909 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Master Data | [+] |
F1024 | KSH1 | Manage Cost Center Groups | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-CCA-MD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps|SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: Fiori Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Master Data, Overhead Cost Accounting (UPA) - Cost Center Master Data | [+] |
F1025 | KL01 | Manage Activity Type Master Data | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1909 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Master Data | [+] |
F1026 | KOH1 | Manage Internal Order Groups | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-OPA-MD | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Internal Order Master Data | [+] |
F1027 | KLH1 | Manage Activity Type Groups | Web Dynpro | CO-FIO-ATY-MD | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Finance - Controlling: Classic Apps|SAP Financials - Controlling Apps: Fiori Apps | Overhead Cost Accounting - Cost Center Master Data, Overhead Cost Accounting (UPA) - Cost Center Master Data | [+] |
F1042 | ALLOC_BATCH_RUN | Allocate Production | Transactional | IS-OIL-UOM-ALN | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP OIL UPSTREAM: All Apps | Oil and Gas Upstream - Hydrocarbon Analysis | [+] |
F1047A | MDC_ADMIN_DELETE | Master Data Governance Consolidation (Version 2) | Transactional | CA-MDG-CMP-FIO | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP MDG|Consolidation and Mass Processing: All Apps | CMD - Consolidation and Mass Processing for Business Partner Data, CMD - Consolidation and Mass Processing for Product Data | [+] |
F1048 | ME59N | Process Purchase Requisitions | Transactional | MM-FIO-PUR-REQ-SOC | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Purchasing - Requirement Processing | [+] |
F1051 | VA45 | SD Reuse Library | Reuse Component | SD-FIO-BIL | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | [+] | |||
F1052 | VA45 | SD Billing Reuse Library | Reuse Component | SD-FIO-BIL | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | [+] | |||
F1053A | BP | Manage Supplier Master Data | Transactional | LO-MD-FIO-VM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Master data - Business Partner Technical Catalog: All Apps | Master Data - Supplier Master | [+] |
F1060 | MIR5 | Supplier Invoices List | Transactional | MM-FIO-IV | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1709 | Procurement Technical catalog | Accounts Payable - Supplier Invoices | [+] |
F1060A | MIR5 | Supplier Invoices List (Version 2) | Transactional | MM-FIO-IV | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement Technical catalog: Fiori Apps | Accounts Payable - Supplier Invoice Processing | [+] |
F1061 | MB1B | Transfer Stock - In Plant | Transactional | MM-FIO-IM-SGM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement IM Technical Catalog: Fiori Apps | Materials Management - Warehouse Processing | [+] |
F1062 | MIGO | Manage Stock | Transactional | MM-FIO-IM-SGM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement IM Technical Catalog: Fiori Apps | Materials Management - Warehouse Management | [+] |
F1076 | MB52 | Stock - Single Material | Analytical | MM-FIO-IM-SGM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement IM Technical Catalog: Fiori Apps | Materials Management - Warehouse Management, Materials Management - Material Stock Display, Materials Management - Stock Monitoring | [+] |
F1077 | MB51 | Material Documents Overview | Analytical | MM-FIO-IM-SGM | Desktop, Smartphone, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | SAP Procurement IM Technical Catalog: Fiori Apps | Materials Management - Warehouse Management, Materials Management - Warehouse Processing, Materials Management - Inventory Processing Overview, Materials Management - Employee Self Services V2, Administration - Retail, Materials Management - Material Movements Display, EAM - Maintenance Orders Management, EAM - Maintenance Orders Management, Finance - Account Reconciliation, Project Management - Commercial Project Management, Materials Management - Inventory Management Overview | [+] |
F1079 | MD61 | Manage PIRs | Transactional | PP-MP-DEM | Desktop | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1809 | SAP SCM PP: All Apps | Production Planning - Demand Forecasting | [+] |
F1119 | AJRW | Fiscal Year Change | Transactional | FI-FIO-AA | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 1511 | SAP: Financials – Accounting | Asset Accounting - Periodic Activities | [+] | |
F1240 | SM36 | Application Jobs | Transactional | BC-SRV-APS-APJ | Desktop, Tablet | SAP FIORI FOR SAP S/4HANA 2022 | [+] | ||
SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library
You can directly browse the SAP Library and download all the newest Fiori Apps updates available.
First you select the apps categories
In this case I will select "All Apps"

You can select a specific catalog component.
In this case I will "Select All"
And select "List View"

You already can see the apps listed (more than 14k apps)
Select "Column Display Settings"
So you can add more information

All columns are available
Select "Transaction"
So you can have Fiori Tile app and transaction code on the same line
Which allows you to create a "Fiori App x T-Code" mapping

You can click "Download" and you will have an excel with all the information.
Download excel spreadsheet formatted with all the applications available at the link below.

File: (.XLSX | Size: 3 MB)
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